The Business Journal features Compco in a recent article during the week of the 4th of July.
Vets Bring Problem-Solving Skills to Compco
COLUMBIANA, Ohio — Of all the skills he acquired during his four years in the United States Marine Corps, it’s the attention to detail that’s best served Dan Rader in his role as press inspector at Compco.
“One of the things that drives me on the shop floor as an inspector is that, in the Marine Corps, attention to detail can mean life or death,” says Rader, a Marine mortarman. “Here, it can mean the difference between a thousand-piece order being scrap parts or good parts for the customer.”
Overall, the Columbiana-based manufacturer employs about 30 veterans across its divisions – about 15% of its workforce – and that group has brought skills, both technical and soft, to the company.
“You get a lot more perspective going through the military. Read more….