Compco is at War with COVID-19


Learn what we are doing to amp up health, safety and communications in these unprecedented times

COLUMBIANA, Ohio – Safety has always been number one at Compco. But the precautions, adjustments and internal communication Compco has instated quickly are leading the industry, bar-none.

To launch Compco’s war on Cornonavirus -19, Rick Fryda, CEO and President of the Board, went to each facility March 12th and 13th and spoke to everyone in small groups. At that time, he explained the seriousness of the issue and new hygiene requirements.

During this tour Rick shared with the team the facts the CDC, at that point, was sharing about the necessary precautions. He asked all employees to increase hand washing, to keep social distance and announced that each shift would end 30 minutes early so team members can clean and disinfect their area.

“I knew from the start we all needed to be on the same page with our individual responsibilities to stop the spread and protect our team, their family and our customers,” said Fryda.

From this point Compco’s efforts to communicate to the team about the ongoing battle fast-tracked, with Greg Smith, Chairman of the Board, as the army general.

He developed a new website for all team members to find the latest, valid, information about COVID-19, company updates and needed forms. He led the effort in developing update videos from himself and Fryda to answer questions and keep the lines of communication open.

The office staff geared up to work from home. This process included boosting the video conferencing software capabilities to host all meetings virtually.

Compco companies have made more than 70 documented adjustments in an effort to battle COVID-19.

The shop staff was empowered with updated information on digital-lunchroom signs, ample hand sanitizer, shift changes to avoid group gatherings and they stopped having to manually clock in to the shift.  

“We have staggered shift start times and removed the tables and chairs from the lunch rooms to discourage groups from eating together,” said Dan Suznevich, Compco Quaker Plant Manager.

All of these changes, roughly 70 documented adjustments across the corporation, all in an effort to battle COVID-19.

Within a few days of Gov. Mike DeWine’s request for employees to take their own temperatures before reporting to work Compco’s leadership team developed a health questionnaire to be completed each day.

The questionnaire asks team members to report on their own well-being and asks if they have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 symptoms.

“We have had a lot of great feedback from everything we are doing; from our own employees thanking us for being proactive, to the county’s health director praising us for leading in this war,” said Meribeth Noble, Vice President of Human Resources.

With all of these war tactics, the corporation has still been impacted with customer closures causing layoffs.

“We are doing everything we can,” said Smith. “We care deeply for the families who depend on us. We are doing what we can to be part of the solution. I am so proud of our team, their leadership and united effort during this pandemic.”